How it works
Connects Digital Worlds
The Synesis Network provides a reliable, decentralised service layer for communications applications. Services are provided by Seeker Nodes and paid for using Synesis Tickets an off-chain, trustless payment method powered by blockchain technology.
Seeker Nodes receive work to do in proportion to the amount of Synesis Token that they have staked in the network, and are rewarded or penalised based on the quality of the service that they provide. This incentive structure ensures that node operators' incentives are aligned with those of the network as a whole, which ensures a high standard of service, no matter who operates each individual node.
The first section explores all of the components of the Synesis Network, explaining their purpose and how they fit into the network as a whole.
The second section explains how these components work together in detail and then explores the incentives that ensure the quality and reliability of the network.
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